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We are here to support with experienced claims team to help ease your troubles and keep you fully informed throughout the claim process. Please click one of the following below product for Claim Procedure.


Claim Contact - Tel : 02-624-1000 (24 Hours)

Email - [email protected]
              [email protected] (Motor Claim)

Claims Product Details

Please submit the following documents:

1. Claim form Download Claim Form
2. Original Medical Bills
3. Original Medical certificate
4. Copy of Insured's ID Card or its beneficiary's.
5. Copy of Driving License
6. Copy of Policy
7. Copy of Death Certificate (in case of death claim)
8. Copy of Autopsy Report (in case of death claim)
9. Additional documents, if necessary

Claim Handling Process:

Payment will be made within 7 days after receiving all necessary documents for preliminary claim settlement. Additional payment will be made within 15 days after receiving additional claim documents

Please submit the following documents:

1. Claim form Download Claim Form
2. Driving License
3. Policy Number
4. Photo of damage
5. Copy of Vehicle registration
6. Repair Quotation
7. Copy of Insured's identity card and/or its beneficiary, if necessary
8. Copy of police report (in case of theft and death claim)
9. Car Keys (in case of theft claim)
10. Original Medical Certificate (in case of injury claim)
11. Original medical bills (in case of injury claim)
12. Copy of Death Certificate (in case of death claim)
13. Copy of Autopsy Report (in case of death claim)
14. Copy of repair cost of damaged property to third party
15. Copy of third party's identity card
16. Additional documents, if necessary

Claim Handling Process:

Payment for repair cost, bodily injury, death or third party’s property damage will be made within 15 days after receiving all necessary documents.

Payment for theft claim will be made within 15 days after receiving all necessary claim documents ; or 45 days further investigation if necessary.

For medical payment and weekly payment claim, please submit the following documents:

1. Claim form Download Claim Form
2. Original Medical receipt
3. Original Medical certificate
4. Additional documents, if necessary

For Permanent Disability/Dismemberment Claim, please submit the following documents:

1. Claim form Download Claim Form
2. Original Medical Bills
3. Original Medical Certificate
4. Copy of Police Report (if required)
5. Photo of damage
6. Additional documents, if necessary

For death claim, please submit the following documents:

1. Claim form Download Claim Form
2. Copy of Death Certificate
3. Copy of Autopsy Report
4. Copy of Insured's ID card and its beneficiary's.
5. Copy of Police Report
6. Additional documents, if necessary

Claim Handling Process:

Payment will be made within 15 days after receiving all necessary claim documents

PA Student Hospital List: Download Hospital List

For medical payment and weekly payment claim, please submit the following documents:

1. Claim form Download Claim Form
2. Original Medical receipt
3. Original Medical certificate
4. Copy of ID card or passport
5. Additional documents, if necessary

For Permanent Disability/Dismemberment Claim, please submit the following documents:

1. Claim form Download Claim Form
2. Original Medical Bills
3. Original Medical Certificate
4. Copy of Police Report (if necessary)
5. Photo of damage
6. Additional documents, if necessary

For death claim, please submit the following documents:

1. Claim form Download Claim Form
2. Copy of Death Certificate
3. Copy of Autopsy Report
4. Copy of Insured's Identity card and its beneficiary's.
5. Copy of Policy Report
6. Additional documents, if necessary

Claim Handling Process:

Payment will be made within 15 days after receiving all necessary claim documents

Please submit the following documents:

1. Claim form Download Claim Form
2. Quotation and/or Receipt and/or Tax invoice
3. Photos of damaged property 
4. Copy of policy or policy no.
5. Additional documents, if necessary

Claim Handling Process:

Payment will be made within 15 days after receiving all necessary claim documents

Please submit the following documents:

1. Claim form Download Claim Form
2. Copy of Bill of Quantity (BOQ)
3. Photo of Damage
4. Construction agreement
5. Copy of policy or policy no.
6. Additional documents, if necessary

Claim Handling Process:

Payment will be made within 15 days after receiving all necessary claim documents

Please submit the following documents:

1. Incident report or Claim form
Download Claim Form
2. Copy of Identity Card or Company Registration Book
3. Third Party's claim letter
4. Police investigation report (if necessary)
5. Photos of Damage
6. Copy of policy or policy no.
7. Original Medical Bills and Medical Certificate in case claim for third party bodily injury
8. Additional documents, if necessary

Claim Handling Process:

Payment will be made within 15 days after receiving all necessary claim documents

Please submit the following documents:

1. Claim form Download Claim Form
2. Copy of policy or policy no.
3. Photo of damage hull
4. Copy of Identity Card or Company Registration Book
5. Ship registration
6. Skipper license
7. Any other document which may required

Claim Handling Process:

Payment will be made within 15 days after receiving all necessary claim documents

Please submit the following documents:

1. Claim form Download Claim Form
2. Copy of policy or policy no.
3. Photo of damage cargo
4. Shipping documents i.e. Invoice, Packing List, Bill of Lading and Survey Note (if any)
5. Notice to carrier
6. Copy of Identity Card or Company Registration Book
7. Any other document which may required

Claim Handling Process:

Payment will be made within 15 days after receiving all necessary claim documents

Please submit the following documents:

1. Claim form Download Claim Form
2. Copy of policy or policy no.
3. Photo of damage cargo
4. Delivery Note
5. Copy of Identity Card or Company Registration Book
6. Any other document which may required

Claim Handling Process:

Payment will be made within 15 days after receiving all necessary claim documents

Please submit the following documents:

1. Incident report or Claim Form
Download Claim Form
2. Copy of policy or policy no.
3. Copy of Driving License and Truck Registration
4. Invoice
5. Delivery Note
6. Any other document which may required

Claim Handling Process:

Payment will be made within 15 days after receiving all necessary claim documents

Please submit the following documents:

1. Claim Form Download Claim Form
2. Photo of damage
3. Copy of Identity Card or Company Registration Book
4. Any other document which may required

Claim Handling Process:

Payment will be made within 15 days after receiving all necessary claim documents


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